
Take a paper and a pen, and let's go !

Questions :

What is the form of the island ?

2) Where are the two starting points for take the ferry ?

3) What is the name of the river around Ellis Island  ?

4) Why were there differents isles, and so buildings ?

5) Why were there exams to immigrants ?

6) What could officer ask to immigrants ?

7) Why were all these people waiting for ?

8) Why this list was a good idea ?

9) The film talked about the experience of Chaplin or Edna ?

10) How many people visited the museum through year ?

11) Who was the name writing on the wall ?

12) Who have writing the new Colossus ?

Answers : 

1) The island has a form of U

2) The two starting points are Battery park and Liberty park

3) The name of the river is Hudson river

4) For transferred suspects immigrants, coutagious immigrants, and the New Hospital for all of inspections.

5) To know if immigrants were healthy because at this moment there were many diseases, in particular for the eyes.

6) The name, native country, job, about family, etc..

7) Because the new immigrants which were required to pay on entry to the country and a law was also implemented for conducting health inspections to detect communicable diseases among those wishing to enter the United States.

8) Because we could show the people who passed through Ellis Island 

9) Chaplin 

10) 2 millions  

11) The name of immigrants who died to come in USA 

12) Emma Lazarus.

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